Mailboxes should be 40” – 42” above the finished grade of the shoulder. Mailboxes should also be 8” off from the edge of the pavement. Mailboxes should have standard pressure treated 4” x 4” posts for support.

Mailbox Damage due to Snowplowing
Many of our mailbox damages are due to the weight of heavy snow coming off the plow. Please ensure your mailbox post and base are in good condition to withstand the forces of snow. We will not replace rotting posts, although we will attempt to repair or put a temporary mailbox in place. If your mailbox is damaged during a plowing event, please email or call our highway department and we will repair or replace. Please note that replacements will be a standard 4x4 cedar tone post and a standard mailbox. We suggest not using expensive mailboxes as they are in a vulnerable position—our drivers strive to avoid mailbox casualties, but accidents happen when operating in the weather that we do.