Recycle Your Shoes at Fremont Township

Recycle your old sneakersEvery year, across the globe, millions of pairs of shoes end up in landfills, creating a lot of waste. Much of what we consider unwanted waste can actually be recycled or repurposed.

Fremont Township is happy to partner with SWALCO to keep these materials from being thrown out. It is estimated that 85% or more of these unwanted items end up in our landfills, which here in the U.S. and around the world, are filling up fast.

No matter what age we are, most of us have at least a few pairs or more of unwanted shoes hanging out in our closets. Some may be shoes we just don’t wear, shoes we have outgrown, or those that have gotten a little worn around the edges.

Currently all types of shoes can be brought to Fremont Township at 22385 Route 60, Mundelein, with the exception of: rollerblades, ice skates and winter boots. All other boots, like dress boots, hiking boots and rain boots are accepted. Any brand and any size will be accepted. Shoes in any condition, from new or gently used, to those that are worn, will be accepted. Even those with stains or holes will be accepted.

And, the great news is that 95% or more of all the materials collected will be recycled or reused and not only that – you can be a part of this great effort! Just drop them in the bin on our front porch.