PACE Buses
More Transportation Services
Senior / Disabled Half-fare Taxi Coupons
Fremont Township has contracted with American Taxi to provide ½ fare taxi coupons for Seniors and Disabled Residents. The goal of this program is to provide transportation to areas that our Dial-A Ride buses do not service.
Coupon books are purchased at the Township Office for $15.00 and are worth $30.00. Please visit the program’s webpage for important details.
Road to Recovery Transportation Referral
Volunteer drivers donate their time and the use of their cars so that patients can receive the life-saving treatments they need. If you or your loved one needs a ride to treatment, call the American Cancer Society at 1-800-227-2345 to be matched with a volunteer, or search online for programs in your area. Click here for more information.
Transportation for Seniors (65 & older)
Seniors can use ElderCare's transportation referral services to get to the doctor and grocery.
Call 847 406-4683 for an appointment which must be made 10 days in advance. They do not charge for the service but appreciate a $10 donation.
Seniors (60 & older) Transportation Grant
Providing rides to Lake County seniors (60+) to attend medical appointments. They ask that the senior contact them 5-7 business days prior to their appointment to request services. Transportation is provided Mon-Fri but not on holidays. There is a $6.00 donation asked for each round trip provided.
The transportation hotline number is: