The Clerk of Fremont Township


Serving Fremont Residents

The Township Clerk is the designated Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) and Open Meetings Act (OMA) Officer for the Township and road district.

She acts as the recorder and registrar for the Township, the Board of Trustees, and the Highway Department.

The Clerk has custody of and maintains all records and books. Her role has the duty of filing all certificates, oaths, and other documents required by law.

Her responsibilities include preparing all agendas and keeping the minutes of each Township and road district meeting and public hearing.

She is responsible for posting Township and road district public notices, and is an official deputy registrar and can assist Fremont Township residents with voter registration and additional voter services.

Chris McCann - Fremont Township Clerk

Christina McCann

Clerk & FOIA Officer


Christina McCann
22385 W. Illinois Route 60
Mundelein, IL 60060
847.223.2858 fax