2022 Paving
Roads scheduled for resurfacing in 2022 include:
Hafer Rd (off Fairfield Rd)
West Shoreland Subdivision--Iride Dr, Trinity Dr, Martin Dr, Pierre Dr. Hawthorne Blvd
West Shore Park Subdivision--Forest Lane, Fairview Ave, Prospect Ave
Kenmore Lane/West Shore Drive
Peter Baker and Son will be the contractor. Paving expected to start in late summer 2022. Numerous storm sewer improvements are slated to be completed prior to paving.

Attn: West Shore Park residents along Fairview, Prospect, and Forest
Your roadside parking areas can be paved at the same time the road is resurfaced at your cost. The township will not be responsible for the gravel base construction or leveling.
Pricing is $15/yd2 for milling existing asphalt and repaving. $12/yd2 if only paving is needed.
- Payment must be submitted to township prior to start of paving.
- Gravel base of at least 4" of compacted gravel required.
- Release of liability waiver required. The township will not get involved with future damage claims related to paving parking areas.
- Gravel base must be prepped by Aug 1 for new parking areas. New areas must be approved by the highway dept and require a right of way permit prior to starting work.
Please contact the highway dept (847-223-2848) or complete the following form to participate: